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Research Support

Research Support

It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the use of electronic resources (Licensed) does not breach the terms & conditions specified in the license agreements.


  • Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving a copy of  full text articles and search results 
  • Sending a copy of an article to another authorized user (i.e. current faculty, students or staff)
  • Posting the URL (electronic links) of the publisher's version of the article on a class website (publisher links will allow only authorized users access) on personal web pages or public networks
  • If required for teaching a class, an article from an electronic journal can be printed and can be included in course pack.
  • A researcher can use the published content i.e. phrases or quotes from other articles duly citing the source of Information.


  • Systematic downloading: Downloading of entire journal issue/s or volume/s or articles in large quantities.
  • Use of robots or intelligent agentsfor bulk or automatic downloading
  • Downloading e-resources for commercial gain(i.e. reselling, redistributing or republishing of licensed content in any other medium)
  • Full text articles (electronic or print) should not be distributed published version in any format e.g. means, transmitting, disseminating or public posting of the content
  • Personalprofessionalwebsitesand public networks, blogs, sending to mailing lists or electronic bulletin boards to make online content available to unauthorized users
  • A researcher is prohibited from using information in larger quantities (paragraphsand chapters) from an article or a book (even their own) in their document without acknowledging the source. It is treated as Plagiarism.

If violate License

Publishers track the use of their electronic resources in terms of number of downloads made by subscribing institution. Misuse, if any, will be notified to the subscribing institution with the details by the publisher and suspends access to the entire institution. For further information:

Writing Resources / Tools

Literature Review

Reference Tools
Mendeley is free tool for citation and reference software powered by Elsevier.

  • This is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help to organize research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.
  • Automatically generate bibliographies
  • Import papers from other research software

Citation Styles

Researchers Networks


(The following guidelines are provided to researchers/authors to give an understanding about what is plagiarism and how to avoid it)

"Plagiarism is considered as academic dishonesty. It is the action or practice of taking someone else's work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one's own; literary theft”.(Oxford English Dictionary)

The expression of original ideas in any form is considered intellectual property and is protected by copyright laws.

Almost all forms of expressions, original inventions fall under copyright protection as long as they are recorded in some way (such as a book, article, art piece, musical score or a computer file)

  • Turning in someone else's work as your own
  • Copying words, phrases or ideas from someone else's work without giving credit (acknowledgement)
  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks in text
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • Manipulating the already published data or presenting the fake data in your work
  • Paraphrasing, changing words and sentence structure of a source is considered as copying if the source is not duly acknowledged.
  • Taking so many words or ideas from a source or different sources that makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not is considered as copying.
  • Submission of the same work to more than one course

What is not Plagiarism?

Some practices are also allowed while using the text from other authors' documents in their own writings.

  • Few words of similarity (that can be coincidental among others works)
  • Reiterating popular writers sayings, use of symbols, application of formulae, images, Figures and models
  • Facts or common knowledge, widely known ideas
  • Quotations: Reproduction of an author's exact words. 1) Parenthetical citation (with or without signal phrase), 2) Footnotes, 3) Endnotes
  • Bibliographic reference at the end of text
For more details - See the Harvard Guide to Using Sources

Institutional Policy

  1. It is mandatory to screen Report/theses/Dissertations and Projects before submitting to the university.
  2. Based on the general practices at various Universities/Institutions,the similarity tolerance limit may be kept as 10%. The Supervisor has to go through the report generated by Anti-Plagiarism software before certifying the same.
  3. The research scholar in his/her declaration and research Supervisor in his/her certificate has to certify/declare that the thesis is a plagiarism-free as per the norms of the Institution.
  4. The responsibility of getting the statement of plagiarism statistics from the Library lies with the Students. The Supervisor can also log into the respective Anti-Plagiarism software website with the help of Library staff and download the report.
  5. Not applicable to regional languages
    Access & Service is Limited to only Members.
  6. Turnitin is Similarity (plagiarism) screening software.
  7. Library has subscribed Turnitin, the anti-plagiarism software and provided registrations to all the faculty members of the University
  8. All Faculty members are requested that when using the Plagiarism check for Research Scholars and Students, they must operate with the category "NO REPOSITORY' of the Articles, draft copy of Thesis, Dissertation and Project reports in their respective School, Department or Centres.
  9. The library will be screening the final report of the Thesis, Dissertation, and Project"Under the Repository".


  1. UGC-Plagiarism-Academic-Integrity-Regulation2018.pdf
  2. Copyright Policy – NDL Library

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Sector 16A, Noida, 201301
E-mail: library@nsb.ac.in